The Body Chakras: A Complete Guide for Overall Wellness


The concept of chakras is rooted in ancient Hindu and Buddhist beliefs regarding the physical and subtle aspects of the human body. The physical body comprises visible, tangible matter. In contrast, the subtle body, encompassing the mind and emotions, is composed of imperceptible energy.

Going by the concept, spiritual and psychic energies from the subtle body exert an influence on the physical body and vice versa. Consequently, the condition of an individual’s chakras plays a significant role in shaping their overall state of health and well-being. 

The word “chakra” (which means “disc” or “wheel” in Sanskrit) describes the body’s energy centres. Each of these spinning energy wheels or discs represents a critical organ or nerve bundle. It must remain open or balanced to function at its best. One could encounter mental or physical symptoms associated with a specific chakra if they get blocked. 

These are regarded as the body’s hidden safes, holding the secrets to harmony, energy, and enlightenment; they are comparable to a soul’s heartbeats. This brief exploration will unravel the mystery surrounding chakras and uncover the amazing ways in which these invisible energies influence lives.

Types of Chakra

The body’s primary energy centres are the seven chakras. In order to achieve overall improved health and alignment, one needs to balance each of the seven chakras using the selected therapeutic modality. 

Each chakra has a distinct meaning and is said to correspond with various abilities, expressions, and health kinds. The description of each chakra is below:-

The Root Chakra (Muladhara)

  • Location: At the base of the spine, near the tailbone
  • Shade: Red
  • Ages at which it develops: 1–7

The root chakra, or Muladhara, is a symbol of the base. It provides a sense of grounding and is at the base of the spine in the human body. It feels emotionally and physically secure and rooted when it is open and in alignment.

A blocked root chakra might show up as mental insecurities about basic needs or our well-being, or it can show up physically as conditions like arthritis, constipation, and problems with the bladder or colon.

The Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)

  • Location: About two inches below the navel in the lower abdomen
  • Shade: Orange
  • The age range at which it develops is 8 to 14

The energy associated with sexuality and creativity is called the sacral chakra, or Swadhisthana. It also has to do with how you respond to your own emotions as well as those of other people. A blocked sacral chakra may cause a person to feel powerless over their life. Problems with the related organs, such as lower back pain, impotence, and urinary tract infections, might be indicators of issues with this chakra.

Solar Plexus Chakra(Manipura)

  • Location: The stomach region in the upper abdomen
  • Colour: Yellow
  • The age range at which it develops: 15 to 21

The third chakra, the solar plexus, is associated with self-assurance and life management skills.

Since it is related to the chakra of personal strength, it has to do with our sense of confidence and self-worth.

If the solar plexus chakra is blocked, a person with an open sacral chakra may be able to express their genuine self without feeling excessive shame or self-doubt. Indigestion, heartburn, ulcers, and eating disorders are common digestive problems that are associated with blockages in the third chakra.

The Heart Chakra (Anahata)

  • Location: directly above the heart in the centre of the chest
  • Colour: Green
  • Ages at which it develops: 21 to 28

The connection between the upper chakras, connected to spirituality, and the lower chakras, connected to materiality, is made via the Anahata, or heart chakra. This chakra can affect one’s ability to love and connect with others, as its name implies. A person’s heart might feel deeply compassionate and empathic. Still, when it’s not in tune, it can leave them feeling insecure, alone, and lonely.

Heart chakra blockages can manifest in weight difficulties, asthma attacks, and cardiac concerns. However, impediments are frequently made even more evident by the behaviour of others.

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

  • Location: Throat
  • Colour: Turquoise/light blue
  • The age at which it develops: 29 to 35

The throat chakra, or Vishuddha, governs the capacity to express one’s power and gives voice to the heart chakra.

When functioning at its best, it facilitates authentic and straightforward communication. A person who has a blocked throat chakra may feel as though they are unable to express their true feelings. Other signs of misalignment or blockage include controlling discussions, gossiping, speaking without thinking, and having difficulty speaking their mind.

Third-Eye Chakra (Anja)

  • Location: The Brow Chakra, which is in the forehead between the eyes.
  • Colour: Purple/Dark Blue
  • The age range at which it develops: 36–42

The Anja, also known as the third-eye chakra, governs the capacity for intuition and long-term vision. Consider it to be the soul’s eye: It records data that goes beyond the obvious.

A person with an open third-eye chakra frequently experiences visions and intuition hits. Blockages may present as headaches, visual or attention impairments, or hearing difficulties. A block can also be experienced by those who have difficulty listening to reality, who appear to “know it all,” or who are not in tune with their intuition.

The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

  • Location: The very top of the skull
  • Colour: Violet/White
  • The age range at which it develops: 43 to 49

The crown chakra is connected to all other chakras and, by extension, all of the organs in this system, and it impacts not only those organs but also the brain and nerve system. It is regarded as the enlightenment chakra and symbolises spirituality and connection to the meaning of life. 

People who have a blocked crown chakra could come out as obstinate, doubtful, or narrow-minded. In addition to bringing happiness and enlightenment, the belief is that when this chakra is open, all the other chakras remain open as well.


The body’s seven chakras play a vital role in overall health and alignment. Each chakra has distinct characteristics and development stages. The Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine, represents grounding and security. The Sacral Chakra, found below the navel, is linked to creativity and emotions. The Solar Plexus Chakra in the upper abdomen relates to self-assurance. The Heart Chakra, above the heart, connects spirituality and love. The Throat Chakra, at the throat, governs communication. The Third-Eye Chakra, between the eyes, controls intuition. The Crown Chakra, at the top of the skull, symbolises enlightenment and interconnectedness. Blockages in these chakras can lead to physical and emotional issues, emphasising the importance of balance and alignment.

The Functioning of a Chakra

The translation of chakra as a “wheel” or “cycle” refers to the chakras’ function of preserving the unhindered flow of energy within the human body.

Chakras are electromagnetic vortices that circulate and absorb life force energy, which is subtle, throughout the body. Knowing this system can help you determine which parts of your body and life need care and attention at the moment.

In the specific region where each chakra is, nerve bundles, organs, or glands are connected to them. As a result, they may have an impact on a person’s emotional and spiritual well-being in addition to the physical functionality of that area.

Chakras must always be in an in-balance state. The free passage of energy occurs through an open and balanced chakra, which supports optimum health. Chakras can adversely impact related bodily and mental areas when they become obstructed or unbalanced.


In many holistic and spiritual healing modalities, including energy healing, the functioning of a chakra is a basic idea. While balancing and aligning chakras is a holistic method to maintaining and improving overall health, the presence and significance of chakras are still widely denied in conventional medicine. Chakras continue to be a key component of many holistic approaches to health and well-being.

Chakra: Blocking and Balancing

Chakra cleaning and blocking are fundamental ideas in the field of holistic health and energy therapy. As the body’s energy centres, chakras can become imbalanced or obstructed, which can result in mental and physical problems. Sustaining general health requires clearing and balancing them. 

Below is an outline of chakra cleaning and blockage:

Reasons for Chakras Blockage 

Emotional and Psychological Stress: Chakra blockages can result from emotional and psychological stress, such as unresolved trauma, unfavourable thought habits, or persistent anxiety. These emotional weights have the potential to stop the regular flow of energy through the chakra system and cause energetic stagnation.

Physical Problems: Chakras can become blocked or impeded in their functioning by physical illnesses or injuries in the regions linked to a particular chakra. A back injury, for instance, could have an impact on the Root Chakra (Muladhara), causing a blockage in this energy centre.

Negative Belief Systems: Beliefs that impede your growth or well-being can likewise obstruct chakras. Feelings of unworthiness, for example, might interfere with self-confidence and personal strength by affecting the Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura).

Unhealthy Lifestyle: Chakra blockages can result from exposure to environmental pollutants, poor dietary choices, and inactivity. These elements have the potential to impair general vigour and energy flow.

Balancing the Chakras

Meditation: One can cleanse and balance chakras effectively through meditation. Through visualisation of the corresponding colour, affirmations, and focused attention to each chakra, people can facilitate the discharge of energy blockages and promote unobstructed energy flow.

Yoga: One can remove energy blockages with the help of yoga poses and sequences that awaken and balance chakras. Every asana helps to open and release blocked energy by focusing on a particular chakra.

Breathwork: Chakras can be cleared and revitalised by conscious breathing exercises like pranayama. The energy centres can be cleaned and re-energised with the aid of deep, rhythmic breathing. 

Energy Healing: Chakra balance is the primary goal of reiki, acupuncture, and other energy healing techniques. Practitioners can clear obstructions from the chakras and channel healing energy with their skills.

Sound Healing: Chakras can be resonated with and cleared using sound therapy techniques such as bowl singing, chanting, and listening to frequencies. There is a sound or mantra associated with each chakra.

Aromatherapy: Chakras are stimulated and balanced through the use of essential oils in aromatherapy. Scents have the power to release blockages since they connect to particular energy centres.

Visualisation and Affirmations: People can clear emotional and mental blockages in their chakras by using guided imagery and positive affirmations.


The body’s energy centres, or chakras, are essential to good physical, mental, and spiritual health. Chakras can get blocked by emotional stress, physical ailments, negative beliefs, or an unhealthy lifestyle. Therefore, this can interfere with the natural flow of energy and cause emotional and physical health issues. One can use numerous techniques, including energy healing, yoga, meditation, breathwork, sound therapy, aromatherapy, and visualisation to clear chakras. Chakras can be regularly balanced and adjusted to improve one’s general health and energy.

HealthifyMe Suggestion

There are 7 chakras in the body, at specific locations, each associated with specific colours. Balancing all 7 of your chakras will result in better health and emotional well being. Your chakras can become unbalanced if you have a lot of stress or you have an ailment or you are not eating properly. This connects back to the fact that good dietary habits, along with proper physical activity and adequate water intake and sleep are the key requirements for holistic wellness.

The Final Word

The mysterious energy centres of the body, known as chakras, have linkages to good physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. They are energy wheels that indicate the intersections of life force. The energy body’s seven chakras are foundations that support you to be both physically and mentally well. Because of this, it is essential to periodically examine these energy centres and take time out of your busy day to enhance the flow of prana to each. Chakra alignment can, on a deeper level, assist in discovering one’s authentic self and unleashing the divine force that resides within.

While the significance of chakras in health and wellbeing is not part of science, there are a variety of methods that one can employ to balance or clear their chakras to have positive effects on their health. Safe chakra-based therapies can provide people with a sense of calm and well-being in addition to medical therapy.

Disclaimer: The purpose of this article is just to disperse knowledge and raise awareness. It does not intend to replace medical advice from professionals. For further information, please contact our certified nutritionists Here.

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Research Sources 

The Geometry of Emotions: Using Chakra Acupuncture and 5-Phase Theory to Describe Personality Archetypes for Clinical Use


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